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Our Trust of Schools

Design & Technology

The Design and Technology course will prepare trainee teachers across the full range of material areas at Key Stage three. These material areas include, Control systems, Resistant Materials, Textiles Technology and Food and Nutrition. Health and safety accreditation will be undertaken and certificated for the range of material areas covered. 

You will have a specialist material area at Key Stage four, for which you will already have extensive knowledge and skills based on your previous experience and qualifications. You will be trained and supported to understand and enhance the way in which you can teach and impart your knowledge and skills to students at secondary level.

The design process will be a key area of study and will feature as a main element of the subject specific training alongside the practical aspects and machine training. You will have the opportunity to work as a group of trainee teachers to support and help each other through peer led activities and sharing of best practice observed.

You will be able to:

  • Complete a subject audit, to review and develop your own existing subject knowledge and skills based competencies.
  • Implement the requirements of the National Curriculum and understand the importance of Design and Technology in the wider school context.
  • Organise and structure innovative and exciting lessons using a variety of techniques, strategies and approaches to ensure the very best learning opportunities.
  • Assess work for a range of ages and abilities, and ensure effective learning for all students.

Develop into a strong, critically reflective, classroom practitioner, who will go on to participate in, and influence the future development of Design and Technology.

Applicants should note that our Design Technology Subject Professional Studies sessions are held at our partner school Torquay Academy, to make use of the excellent facilities there.


You must apply to join this course on the DfE Apply website. You will need to use the Provider Code S66 and the correct course code below.

Subject Code
Design & Technology N459